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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tea for Two

Pucker Up and I have been having a discussion, over tea: I prefer mine piping hot, fresh from a beautiful teapot; she prefers hers lukewarm, laced with honey; the kind that falls to the bottom of my cup, because honestly, who on Earth makes their pup their own tea?


That'd be just nonsense.

Not that I've not done that for her. It's just not, say, a habit.

Hmmm. Maybe it is. She did rather linger near the tea things once she finally got up (at 9:14am!). I had to tell her we were going to Doggie Daycare (which we were); I totally forgot to mention she'd be staying there. For say, nearly a week. Sort of like Fat Camp.

Actually, not sort of at all.

It is Fat Camp. One does need to do something with lingering honey laced tea calories.

Anyway, we hadn't time for our morning cuppa - had she gotten up when I did? Well. Then there may have been time. Now that she's lazed away half a morning? Simply no time, so much to do today! That sort of thing.

Plus also?

I don't want to get in the habit of saving my tea, for when she decides to get up. I decide when we have tea, thank you very much.

You might be curious how this all fits on here; (Heather, quite honestly is - she told me so herself) I've decided to run a limited edition fabulous tea (and or fabulous latte) cup and saucer. Heather and I argued a wee tad over the saucer; I think it should also include a cake plate, as anyone who's anyone serves tea with cookies. This is the conversation Pucker Up and I were having as well, the need for the cake plate. Quite, says Pucker. As in, you're a moron if you think skipping out on a cake plate is acceptable - since we do not feed out dogs from the table. They prefer plates and cutlery as well. Any well mannered pup does.

Ah, yes, my point!

Be sure to check out the Crate Show, for choices in cups - I need, for example, a slightly shallower one for Pucker, whereas Angus, with his long long tongue is happy with just about anything. Especially if it comes with Only Angus Cookies.

It's four pm. The issue has been discussed, addressed, decided.

Now it's time for tea.

Yes, even a special cup for Pucker.

ps. Only Angus cookies are available for pre-order, to get a jump on holiday sending! They go splendidly with a delicate Lady Grey, or, Irish Tea, should you be of the mind for something stronger.